There is seen a wide-range of education reforms positively and significantly in the 5th mandatory of the Cambodian government. The Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MoEYS) has been strengthening its functioning of state-institutional education in Cambodia with improving good quality and equity education system through dealing with main issues such as corruptions that’s the critical backbone of education reform including the crackdown on cheating for the national exam in high school graduates. Its effort also to upgrading educational strategies and policies with development of clear action plans and as well as approaching to integrate ICT for education. As part of the ongoing reform in higher education, the MoEYS has set to be implemented in 2018 that will address the lack of career counselling in high schools across Cambodia.

Given this challenge, Trey Visay, an e-counseling mobile application was developed for high school students from grade 9-12 providing support such as evaluating major and career, suggesting a school, vocational skill, and providing education career videos.

It would not be possible without the collaboration of InSTEDD iLab South East Asia and KAPE under exclusive support from the Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER).

Please read more for detail here