Meeting of ICT4D for social advocacy group conducted
The 2nd meeting of ICT4D for social advocacy group was held on the 28th of June, 2018 to discuss on data collection and its experience from each organizations and how its digital data collection tool is becoming more popular that would be very helpful to make cost and effective impact to development projects. Given this reason, we also invited ODC and InSTEDD to share different 2 tools of digital data collection that have been experienced and/or developed by them. Last but not least of the agenda, updating digital security is presented by ISC/EWMI to share very basic tips for CSOs/NGOs in order to self-protection from digital threat. The ICT for social advocacy meeting is facilitated jointly between the ICT4D Cambodia Network project funded by SPIDER and implemented by the Open Development Cambodia (ODC), and the Cambodian Civil Society Strengthening Project funded by USAID and implemented by East West Management Institute (EWMI). The meeting was held on the 28th of June, 2018 at ODC/EWMI attended by different 16 organizations working in relation to the social and advocacy issues in Cambodia and most are partners with CCSS-EWMI project. Participants: 28ps (6ps of women) BCV, Comfrel, Silaka, ODC, 3SPN, KYSD, PDP-C, LAC, WW, CCSP, CCC, Media One, DI, InSTEDD, YRDP, YCC, HA, NAS, VIC, ISC/EWMI, NGOF, ICT4D/ODC. Why this agenda is important to the meeting? Digital data collection through a mobile/smartphone can quickly less consume both human, cost, and time and as well as reducing paper-based consume which contributing to mitigation of an environmental pollution. It provides more efficient way to collect various types of data/information such as text, voice, image, video, and GIS-related data that’s normally make it difficulty if such data above is needed while paper-based system is still used within many Cambodian organizations for collect data/information at both local and national level. Some local and international organization had already been used and/or customized its own tool in working to track information and data collection supporting their monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and as well as reporting system. For instance, CCC has been using Kobo Collect as an M&E tool and sharing its tools with its members. PACT Cambodia has also been implementing an integrating technology project to tracking and sharing multi-sector issues through the use of Open Data Kit. One of the EWMI/CCSS partner, Ponlork Khmer has a thought during last meeting of ICT4D that digital play a crucial role in collecting data, in particular for its ongoing project to monitor the forest land logging and grabbing in Preah Vihear province. Why through mobile phones/devices? Cambodia is a country that mobile phone users becoming more popular than fixed telephones. It’s probably a
saturated market with approximately 20 million mobile subscribers comparing with the total population has just 16 million (TRC). In other words, one can have more than one phone line. According to Mobile Phones and Internet Use in Cambodia in 2016 | Open Institute, one in four Cambodian uses 1 mobile line (operator) and almost 99% of the population is being reachable through mobile phone which is consisting of smarts, dump phones, and as well as other personal digital assistant (PDA) that enable cellular calls. That is why Cambodia’s NGOs projects should take it as an opportunity to employ a kind of digital data collection through all sorts of mobile phones/devices in different user and technology contexts to aid data effectively and efficiently. Presentation and discussion on digital data collection tools for reporting All attendees was shared individually each experiences in using different tools of communication in collecting different data/information at target areas for its different purposes varies from project monitoring and evaluation, case study, research, and assessments. Remarkably, most of them still employ traditional tool, in particularly utilized paper-based system for the most of their activities in doing their routine works for data collection. Neither of them was not able nor experienced using digital data collection but in the majority perceptions it is believed that they are not ready yet to change behavior using from traditional to modern tools (digital). At the other prove, showing “high-tech” while interviewing local community causes any loose concentration and fully engagement that respondent more pretend to answer unnaturally. Few more as such as Googles Form, MagPi, and Monkey Survey are also essential tools of digital data collection reported by some attendee organizations that used to and utilizing for their project activities, but in a very limited in term of number of organizations. a. Kobo Collect and GIS, presented by Prum Punwath, ODC Kobo Toolbox is an open source suit of tools for field data collection for use in challenging environments. It is a UN agencies recommendation with the support from many humanitarian organizations and foundations and developed by Harvard Humanitarian Initiative to help out social and humanitarian projects and as well as individual in developing countries.
Build forms and reuse existing questions
- Design Forms quickly and easily
- Reuse existing questions and blocks of questions
- Build complex forms with skip logic and validation
- More than 20 different question types available
- Easily share projects with colleagues
- Import and export XLS forms
Collect Data
- Online and Offline
- On phones, tablets or any browser
- Synchronize data via SSL
- Strong Safeguards against data loss
- Data immediately available right after it’s collected
Analyze and Manage Data
- Create summary report with graphs and tables
- Visualize collected data on a map
- Disaggregate data in reports and maps
- Export all your data at any time
- Access your data through your robust API
b. Surveda: SMS & Voice call data collection platform Surveda is an open source data collection tool which allows for the collection of survey data from populations via mobile phone by text message(SMS), voice call and mobile web. Surveda allows the same survey to go out in multiple different ways with all results being aggregated on one data dashboard. Feature and Benefits
- Team collaboration
- Survey modes
- Offline – SMS & voice call
- Online – Mobile web
- Multiple different ways (SMS then voice call, or voice call then SMS fallback)
- Schedule survey delivery
- Survey cut-off rule
- Simple and easy to use
c. Digital security update by Mr. Sok Ty, ISC/EWMI Facebook Android App Is Asking for Superuser Privileges: Facebook Android app is asking for superuser permissions, and a bunch of users are freaking out about granting the Facebook app full access to their device, and understandable reaction following the fallout from the Cambridge Analytica privacy scandal. Please forget it or Deny!
Google Play security will extend to apps share Offline: Google is now taking steps to make sure that apps downloaded from Google Play Store and shared offline can be verified as safe and treated like any normal Google Play Store app. What is Psiphon? Psiphon is a free anti-censorship tool that works and judging from the stack of comments about it that we receive many people in restrictive countries find it very useful.
- Free
- It can defeat online censorship
- Windows client offers a VPN option
- All apps lokk smart and work well
- You can request that apps be sent to you via email if the website is blocked where you are
- Open source