The SPIDER ICT4DCambodia Network
Our Goal
What to do
The network brings together the NGO ICT and non-ICT practitioners in each sector together to understand ICT4D initiatives that are implmenting, and for whom it may wish to learn and using technology for solving their development projects, as well as possible collaboration/networking. The objectives of its activities help practitioners both tech-based institutions and users develop new ideas and understand approaches that they can make their projects sustainable, and more realistically the problems they are trying to solve. In 2018, the network was decided to move on to a round hosting (Rotation) lead by primarily partners organizations who founding the network. Currently, Open Development Cambodia (ODC), is hosting the lead of the project which is supported by SPIDER from 2018.
Thematic areas
Recent Posts
(Source: Contributors Adam Crawley (i), Nomita Divi (i) (see institutional affiliations) San Francisco-based nonprofit Ending Pandemics works with partners in lower-income countries using innovative methods to prevent, detect, and contain...

Cambodia’s 115 Hotline: Successful COVID-19 Digital Response
(Source: By Guest Writer on May 6, 2020 In 2015, the Cambodia Ministry of Health rolled out its national 115 health hotline with the objective to detect outbreak signals from the community via public reporting and via routine reporting from...

Open Call for Applications: Future Ready ASEAN Competition 2019
Create a Blog Site on Sustainability A front-end web development competition based on the Future Ready ASEAN platform's Digital Citizen track. Sustainability is one of the priorities for Thailand’s chairmanship of ASEAN in 2019. Please identify a pressing challenge in...

Invitation: Network Meeting on ICT for Education, Cambodia
Greetings from the Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Education Youth and Sport! The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) is in the process of monitoring the application of the Policy and Strategy on ICT for Education to ensure the ICT...

Technology meeting for a social grassroots organization on How to Apply Verboice into Development Program
The SPIDER ICT4D Cambodia Network project implements by the Open Development Cambodia supported by SPIDER together with the East West Management Institute (EWMI) funded by USAID began to initiate and facilitated ICT4D meetings in social advocacy every 4 months. The...